

Kui ma seda poissi veel kunagi (teist korda) näen, siis ma röövin ta ära. Ausõna. Ta on ilusaim jaapanlane, keda ma kunagi näinud olen.

EHI sügispidu oli okei. Rohkem ei ütle ma midagi.

Tänane päev oli üldiselt suurepärane. Siis tulin koju ja langesin masendusse.

Nädala tippsündmusteks on olnud ja jäävad ka olema M.Yoffe loengud teemal "Vampires in Eastern-European Folklore and Western Popular Culture". Vapustav. Nüüd natuke tema kahe päeva tsitaate ja siis hakkan kanjisid õppima. Homme on suur töö.

"Like zombies - good people, very popular."
"Dracula can't be undead since he never dies. He's just a very very old guy."
"Does Russia have vampires? Well... Yes, but it's a complicated situation there. Because everything is complicated in Russia."
"We got only one friend. The village policeman. A stupid guy. A Russian guy. Complete moron."
(On the belief that vampires cannot enter your home unless invited.) "Total bullshit, don't believe it, it doesn't happen."
(On Greek vampires, who don't drink blood, but feast on your liver instead.) "This guy comes over, attaches to your liver and munches away."
(The whiteboard eraser makes a weird loud rattling sound.) "*shake-shake* Jesus. *shake-shake-shake* Why..? *shake-shake* Amazing."
"She was very dead. She died! She was decomposing in the coffin!"
"The priest killed the hell out of him. Very sad story."
"We will talk about demonology later. Because I really like scaring children with demonic stories."
"Albanians. Nobody knows who the hell they are."
"They're Irish. It's what they do."
(Last sentence of the class. Said in a spooky voice.) "Vampires don't come alone."

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