
Kyaaaa~ <3

Tähendab, iga kord, kui meie külalisõppejõud M.Yoffe ütleb: "nevertheless", hakkab mind kummitama Teapacks'i laul "Push The Button". See oli vist Iisraeli eurolugu? Igastahes, jah. Täna K-maja garderoobis riideid selga toppides (olime Ariga just viimasest loengust tulnud) tuli see mulle jälle meelde.

geku: "But nevertheless... I'm gonna puuush the button..!"
Yoffe (geku selja taga): "Oh, you're still here."
geku: O.o

Ja siis sain ma Ari ja Yoffega mööda Narva maanteed Viru keskuseni jalutada ja rääkida krishnaiitidest (Yoffe:"Crazy people."), jaapani keelest ja toidust. Absoluutselt vaimustusttekitav mees. Ma olen nii armunud. Ma jumaldan seda, kuidas ta iga kord meid nähes üllatunult kulmud tõstab ja siis tervituseks noogutab. Ja ta on totaalselt vampiiri nägu ning meie kahtlusi ei vähenda (pigem vastupidi) asjaolu, et ta meile eelmise nädala esimeses loengus oma slaavipärase aktsendiga (think Dracula) ütles: "I am not a vampire."

Oeh. Panen viimase vampiiriloengu ning selle nädala rokiloengu tsitaate ka siia ja siis kaon. Ära.

"But if you are extremely scared of uncle Branco, you take a BIG nail and put it through his chest."
"It's a good thing to impale a turk!"
"If you eat a cow that was attacked by Arnold Paole, you will become a vampire."
"Whether you are a handsome corpse or an ugly corpse, it doesn't matter - you're a vampire!"
(Some people to their god.) "We give you a goat, you leave us alone, okay?"
(In the first rock'n'roll lecture, talking about topics we will discuss.) "...and after we nail that down..." (geku: *snort*)
"I was one of the original Latvian hippies."
"So I'm thinking - I'm a hippie, you're a hippie, let's talk!"
(Aivar is the IT dude.) "And if Aivar screws up, you'll know who to hang."
"Like Eminem. Very unfortunate thing. Someone should stop the poor bastard before it's too late."
"Hip-hop. I don't get it. Also, I'm not black."
"Live on a farm, grow marijuana and whatever else you can consume."
"Punk is not dead, but it is mutated."
"There were very few black people involved in punk music, because black people knew how to play their instruments. And punk was not about knowing how to play anything."
"Canada! Aah, that's like going to hell! Cold hell. Canadians - they are not real people."
(There's a broken link.) "Aw, God damn. Oh, well."
"There are relatively funny bands."
"Ooooooo! *points a finger* That's a boo-boo! That's bad, you can't do that, that's nationalism!"
"Ooooooo!" (Yes, another one. An even better one.)
(About some Eastern European punk band.) "I don't know what that is, but it's good."
"Speaking of crazy people... Gogol Bordello. I know them personally, they are insane. Have they come here? Well, they should 'cause you'll love them."

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